Monday, April 20, 2009


If you actually read this, you probably already knew that I turned 18 on Friday. Supposedly I'm an adult now, a real man. I don't really feel any different. I think I would rather take life hour-by-hour and day-by-day instead of stage-by-stage. Every day I'm one day older than the day before. On Friday I became one day older than I was on Thursday, and that's enough of a change for me to handle. The shorter of measurements I use for my life, the more I think I'll enjoy it and appreciate. I might not get another 80 years, but chances are, I'll get another 80 days. I'm going to try to enjoy every day I can. I am truly thankful for the sunrise this morning, and for waking up, and for being able to breathe. He is faithful.

1 comment:

  1. Being an adult at 18 is meant to be a legal designation. In the government's book, you are an adult, simply by virtue of certain privileges you now have. As a legal term, "adult" really doesn't make any reference to your ability to discern and make decisions. I'm sure nobody ever thought that one's 18th birthday is a magical day in which a person mysteriously acquires all kinds of wisdom and maturity. (18-year-olds who vote Republican are living proof of this.) Happy belated birthday!
