Monday, December 22, 2008

Top 10 Albums of 2008 - Part II

#7 - Shake My Hand by The Jakes

The Jakes are the only band to make the top 10 that I had never heard before 2008. I'm a frequent visitor of purevolume, looking for new bands and new stuff from other bands. Most of the time they feature pop punk, hardcore, or other bands that don't really interest me too much. But one week I got on and saw that The Jakes were featured and they were indie. So I decided to give them a listen and basically fell in love. A mix of new-age indie, funk, jazz, soul, southern, a mix. One of the most unique bands I know of.

#6 - Viva La Vida by Coldplay

Coldplay is big, and you might actually know a song or 2 off this cd from the radio. But they make such quality music I can't leave them out, despite their mainstream-ness. They definitely pulled away from Chris Martin singing falsetto to piano on every song. Don't worry, there's still plenty of piano, just in between strings, synths, guitars, and a number of other musical devices. Possibly a new direction for Coldplay, possibly just a tangent. Whatever it is, it's new, it's different, and it's good.

#5 - Cruel To Be Young by Jonezetta

This may have been the biggest surprise of the year in music for me. Jonezetta's last cd, Popularity, ws good, not great. It had some catchy lines, some decent guitar, and the occasional melodic verse or chorus. But on Cruel To Be Young, Jonezetta seems to have found their place in music. At times they sound grungy and happy, but it works. Lead singer Robert Chisolm's voice is definitely a much closer to perfect match for the new music. It's music that sounds old, new, happy, sad, angry, and those can all take place in one Jonezetta song without sounding ridiculous.


  1. I don't see the new release of Shostakovich's symphonies by the Los Angeles Philharmonic on here.

  2. Haha, Phil, that's because I'm only at number 5 so far.

  3. Alexithymia.. niice.

    This is cooler than I thought. You sound like you're trying to sell these cds on Amazon. Forget beign a pastor..
