Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolution

So it's 2009 and I haven't made any resolutions yet. But I think I will, right now, right here. So here it goes, my resolutions for 2009.

- Action. I want to be more active about my faith. Sharing it, proclaiming it, living it. Giving, listening, serving, fasting, praying about external things. Doing more, instead of being so internal about my faith.

- Consistency. I don't like structure, but I should a little more. I want to be more responsible. Whether it's school or church or friends or whatever. I want to stay committed more fully to things and I want to stop procrastinating and taking shortcuts so much.

- Love. For God, for friends, for family, for Christians, for people. I like people a lot, and I love people, just not very well. I want to stop being so judgemental, and I want to start being more encouraging. I want to stop acting so superior, and I want to start making others' lives better. Whether they return the favor or not. I want to make my love more unconditional and less selfish.

- I would also like to lose a few more pounds. Getting down to 210 or 215 and staying there would be nice. Cliché, I know, but I want to.

Those are some things I would like to accomplish this year by God's grace. And now I have them recorded here so I can look back on them and be reminded to strive toward them throughout the year. I am resolved to change.

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